Do you know or suspect you may have ARFID? (WHAT IS ARFID? | ARFID Awareness UK)
SYEDA has recently been commissioned to offer support for clients and their families with ARFID.
Support for those who experience an ARFID presentation will usually be in a group setting and is available to anyone from 11 up to the age of 25. The group will be looking at ways to understand and address ARFID. One to one sessions can be offered alongside the group. If after assessment group work is not beneficial for the individual then one to one sessions can be offered either alone or with family members, initially 6 sessions will be offered and then reviewed.
The group will be held online for 6 weeks. We ask that you are able to attend all 6 sessions and that you are happy to provide SYEDA with constructive feedback following completion.
Please see details of our referral criteria below:
We are able to offer assessments to:
Clients that meet that are aged up to 25 years of age.
Clients experiencing difficulty with symptoms related to ARFID.
Clients who are not at a severely low weight (ie with a BMI below 17.5 – please feel free to contact us if you are unsure this)
In addition to the above we are unable to offer direct support to clients who:
Are at a severely low weight (BMI 17.5 or below) - in this case you need to visit your GP for a referral to Sheffield Eating Disorders Service
Are purging (self induced vomiting/laxative abuse) 5 times per week or more. - in this case you need to visit your GP for a referral to Sheffield Eating Disorders Service
Are excessively abusing alcohol/substances
Are experiencing severe mental health difficulties (Referrals would need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, to determine the suitability for accessing Eating Disorder treatment).
Have attempted to take their own life within the last 6 months, or are engaging in serious self-harm/risk taking behaviours.
Have received bariatric surgery within the last 6 weeks, or if they are still unable to eat a minimum of 3 solid meals per day. You must also be accessing your GP for monitoring and taking the recommended vitamins and minerals.
If it is determined at triage that the client would require more specialised support.
Do not have a GP registered in Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham or Doncaster.
If you are unsure about any of the referral criteria please contact us to discuss this further.
If you are interested, please follow the below link to access the referral form. Please note as this is a group, we are only able to offer a maximum of 8 - 10 places.
Details of the referral process for this group are detailed below:
1. Client to complete the self-referral form using the link above.
2. Upon receipt SYEDA will be in contact via phone, this will be to discuss your suitability for the course.
3. Following this discussion, if we feel that you are presenting with ARFID and are suitable for the course, SYEDA will arrange for you to be assessed by one of our clinicians.
4. Following the assessment, if we still feel you are suitable for the course, you will be added on to the group waiting list.
Support for carer’s supporting a loved one with ARFID
SYEDA has also been commissioned to support friends and families that are supporting individuals with ARFID. This is a four week skills based workshop around how to you can best support your loved one and understand ARFID. The group is called ‘Not just a fussy eater’ and the details of this are below:
‘Not Just a Fussy Eater’ – Family & Friends Group
Our ‘Not Just a Fussy Eater’ group is a 4-week skills-based course for families and friends who are supporting individuals with ARFID, Autism and food-related sensory sensitivities. Our aim is for you to be better equipped to manage your loved ones eating difficulties, with topics including:
What is ARFID & food-related sensory sensitivities?
Eating difficulties & Autism
Addressing ARFID: exploring new foods & a toolbox of strategies
Caring styles, communication and what change might look like
Communication: Autism & Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Top tips for ARFID Carers
Please note that an official diagnosis is not needed. Anyone supporting someone with eating difficulties related to ARFID, Autism or sensory sensitivities are welcome. We will complete an assessment with you beforehand to ensure that the group will be of use to you.
If you are interested, please complete the following referral form by clicking here.